Prayer for Salvation

Why do I need a savior anyway, I'm a good person?  God created humans in His image. He created them male and female. 
(Gen 1:27)  Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship with God, until they sinned. Their sin severed their perfect relationship with God. Sin brought sickness, spiritual, and physical death to all mankind. Thoughout the Old Testament the Israelites would sacrifice animals for sin. Blood needed to be shed for the forgiveness of sin. Once a year a priest would enter into the holy of holies for the sins of man. But in God's perfect love for His creation, His desire was to bring perfect unity back to Him as it was in the beginning in the garden of eden.  Jesus became our "high priest" and His blood was shed on the cross for the forgiveness of all mankind who trust in Him for their forgiveness of sin.  Unlike a human priest who eventually die, Christ lives forever as our advocate. Unlike man, Christ was sinless when he offered himself, He was sacrificed in our place, to redeem us back to right standing with the Father.  Through Jesus we can be redeemed back to perfect unity with God, as was the original plan for all creation. the Bible says we cannot earn this salvation - because no one can be good enough! We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:10)  If we repent and turn from our sin and put our faith in Jesus' blood for forgiveness of sin, we are saved. We are saved from hell - eternity apart from God. We are saved from being apart from God while here on this earth as well! When we pray in the name of Jesus, God hears our prayers. Without Jesus, we are still left in our sin state, without any hope. But in Christ we are free!! We can enter into the throne room of Grace, we don't need a human to do it for us. Jesus made the way for us.  God loved us that much that he left perfect heaven, came to earth to live a sinless life, and die a gruesome death on a cross, to redeem us back from hell.  But, receiving Jesus is each persons choice. You can't be saved by being born into a Christian family, each person needs to receive Jesus for their own salvation. The Holy Spirit is given to those who genuinely receive Christ. That is the beginning of a new creation in Christ (2 For 5:17).  God will continue to work in you through the Holy Spirit to make you more like Him everyday. It truly is the beginning of life - when one decides to give their life to Jesus. 
The Prayer for salvation is not a formalized prayer. God wants to hear your heart. You can pray something like: God I repent and turn from my sins (list them) I believe Jesus died in my place for my sins. I receive Him as my Lord and savior. Thank you for forgiving me of my sins. I pray Holy Spirit come live in me and make me more like you. Lord, help me know you more everyday. Teach me how to grow in my relationship with you. Direct me to a good bible believing church. Help me make new Christian friends that will support my new relationship with you.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

(Don't expect that you will be perfect overnight! But God will meet you where you are at, just be faithful in your pursuit in Him! He will see you through, He loves you!)
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