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Susan Bergstol • December 27, 2019

Stop Worrying!

Worry never changes anything! If not controlled, worry can change to anxiety then sometimes panic. Worry is faith in the wrong thing. Worry is believing the worst will happen. Jesus told us "be still and know God." (Psalm 46:10) God's plans are good. (Jer 29:11) If God tells us not to worry, and we certainly don't want to, then why can't we stop!? We have an adversary (satan) who finds great delight in seeing God's people walk in fear, worry and anxiety! These fearful thoughts are coming from doubting that God is in control and He can change situations. Many people that worry often actually pray less! When you worry you are actually reinforcing the negative thoughts and all the "what if's" that come with it. Worry keeps prayers in the earthly realm. As Believers in Christ, we are called to pray in faith, and believe you have received. We are called to pray from heavenly realms, where we are seated with Christ. We pray FROM victory in the name of JESUS. Praying this way not only will shift the atmosphere, but it will shift your perspective. We are called to decree and declare what is already done in Christ. If you are walking with the Lord, in a relationship with Him, led by the Holy Spirit - then you are covered in His protection. (Psalm 91) Worry is a distraction from satan to keep you from doing what God created you for. Worry puts the "STOP" on your life - it becomes habitual and the more you do it, the more fear increases and faith decreases. The Victory is in Christ, the battle is His. It is a false reality that if you worry enough and overthink a situation then a solution will come and "fix" the problem. Worry leaves God out of the equation. "Do not be anxious about anything, but pray in everything." (Philippians 4:6) 

Prayer Suggestion: Lord, forgive me for placing my faith in my fear. Help me Holy Spirit to pray from victory. Lord, I pray for your peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus' name, Amen.
By Susan Bergstol December 18, 2020
2020 has been a year of chaos. Bombarded with many different angry opinions, voices and perspectives on covid, riots, and presidential elections, to name a few. From wearing masks or not to, social-distancing, closing down businesses, what is “essential goods” and “peaceful protest” and to whom? People pointing the finger at different groups to blame for something. And it all started with Covid19! This was a psychological war for many people. The message was you are not safe outside your home (many weren’t safe inside their home either, with their abusers). The lockdown that was supposed to be just a few weeks turned into months. That was the beginning of the riots and the spiritual darkness hovering over our nation. Leading right up to the presidential election. “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You” (Isaiah 26:3). Spiritual warfare is increasing in these last days and it’s exactly how the Bible tells us. “When God says, “Once more,” He means He will take away everything of this world that can be shaken so the things that cannot be shaken will be left” (Hebrews 12:27). God is not surprised, this allows us to see who and where we have put our hope and security. God hasn’t left us alone, in fact the warnings of the end times are written so we can stay grounded when the world is shaken. Thank you Lord for giving us your Word as an anchor of truth in a sea of uncertainty!! Christ’s redeeming love is certain and will stand the test of time. “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain” (Hebrews 6:19).
By Susan Bergstol December 15, 2020
Jesus said "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven" (Matthew 18:19). ✅ The power of agreement is at hand! God said to pray and release the kingdom on earth (Matthew 6:10). Believers have the authority, but Satan is deceiving many, who then are coming into agreement with fear and doubt. Jezebel spirit is the controlling manipulative spirit behind the media. We cannot bind the forces of evil in one breath, and then agree, and speak what the news is telling us. Believers have the ability to declare with authority, to empower the angelic realm to tear down the strongholds and finish the work of God on earth. The whole concept of prayer is not about asking the evil to stop, it's about speaking the Truth of God's word to be established. We cannot do both. We can't speak "In Jesus name I pray that …. And hope for the best” that's not a prayer of authority. What can the angels do with that?! 😇 "Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word" (Psalm 103:20). The same goes for praying with authority in Jesus name, and then repeating what the news report said about how bad it's getting and then agreeing with the fake news. Doing that only empowers the darkness of evil forces (Proverbs 18:21). God said we have all the powers over evil "But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind" (James 1:6). Not sure how to pray? 🙏🏻 Read the scriptures out loud, they only contain Truth, Spirit and Life. "All scripture is God Breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Tim 3:16). 💜
By Susan Bergstol December 2, 2020
"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men." (1 Peter 2:15) When the world is speaking out fear, and anger, may God's children be overflowing with His love, and peace in the midst of chaos. "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Peter 1:6-7) Peter is writing here to encourage believers to expect but press through trials, and persecution for being a Christian! We are living in the days where there is persecution for enforcing God's ways! But that is OK, great is our reward in heaven (Matt 5:12). The Lord hears our intercession and is proud that we will stand firm in Him to the end. "live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear" (1 Peter 1:17) We are to live our lives with a reverent fear of the Lord, NOT fear of man, NOT fear of a virus, and NOT fear of the unknown. As we live with a reverent fear and awe of the Lord, fear of other things will slowly fade. OH HOW HE LOVES US!!! Leading up to Christmas Advent - let us remember our redemption through the birth of Jesus, the savior for those who believe. What's your plan to grow in your relationship with Jesus?
By Susan Bergstol October 23, 2020
“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” (Mark 8:35) This is one of my favorite verses in the bible!! When people stop trying to save their life and instead lose it for Jesus, fears go and peace comes. Jesus said whoever would save his life will lose it, because the human condition is to try to save yourself; from all the things in this world that one would fear. The human tendency strives, to not be sick, to provide for self financially, to be in control of things and people, not to be rejected, and all of it is done in human strength! Humans strive to find happiness, and purpose, in a fallen world. The meaning of life BEFORE knowing Christ personally is all about survival. In striving to survive, you lose your life, and its true purpose! Jesus said when we lose our life for his sake, we will save it. Another translation says we will 'gain' it. When we come to the realization that Jesus died to give us life, we no longer need to strive for it. When one surrenders their life, and what they 'think' they need to survive or be fulfilled, that is when abundant life takes place. Jesus gives life through Him, and the Holy Spirit awakens us to a whole new life through the Holy Spirit. There is no longer striving to get something we have. When you surrender your life, you will no longer fear for your life, because it’s no longer yours, it’s His. Fear of sickness, finances, love and acceptance, can no longer have power over you because they were surrendered. Your life of fear, for His life through faith. Either way, you can try and wear yourself out, but in reality, you have no control over your life. Jesus gives us not just an offer of a lifetime, but for all eternity. He is asking for your life, in exchange for His. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have eternal life.” Prayer Suggestion: Thank you Lord for the offer of eternal life through faith in you. I believe Jesus that you took my sin on your body, to give me life in abundance. (Repent and turn from Sins) I choose today to give you my life, and my fears! I ask Holy Spirit to come and live in and through me. It is no longer I that live, but you live in me. I chose to believe that you will supply all of my needs as I allow you to live though me. It's no longer my will, but your will be done. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Fear has no power when Faith is present!
By Susan Bergstol September 27, 2020
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of my hand" (John 10:27-28). Even the weakest sheep who follow and listen to Jesus is secure in Him. There is no power or circumstance on earth that will take you from Him. In Him is the fullness of peace, rest and security. The world's system will steal your "feeling" safe and secure them moment you allow the outside voice to become louder than your Shepherd Jesus. If you are His sheep, you listen to His voice, and know that you are in His hands. Listening to and following is a present tense, it is a repeated and a habitual activity! It doesn't come easy, for a reason, because He wants us close to Him! The only way to hear, it to listen, the only way to listen, is to say close enough to hear. This world is screaming that you are not safe! The only way to override the voice of the world is to stay closer, tune in, and actively listen for the voice of your Lord and Savior Jesus. (read the Bible) Remember the power that rose Christ from the dead is alive in you. Believers are called to rise and shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. "See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you." (Isaiah 60:1-3) Be close enough to Him to hear Him speak, and see His light brighter and louder than anything on this earth! Com' on! Glory to God!! ✝️❤️ Happy Sunday!! Fellow Flock🔥
By Susan Bergstol September 8, 2020
"Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness" (1 John 2:9). Hate is a strong word here, but take a look at what Jesus said and compare, when Jesus said if you lust, it's like you have committed adultery. The act of one is comparable to another. The sin starts in the mind, in the imagination. So it might not be actual "hate" of a brother or sister, but we can also say, the act that comes from dislike, jealous, bitterness, and so on. These people who claim to be in the light, Jesus said they are simply just not walking in the Spirit of God, in His light. Believers are the ones who claim they are "in light" and so deceive themselves when they are in dislike, jealousy, bitterness and simply doing the enemies work in tearing down, gossip, OR stirring up by triggering others to be jealous, bitter, angry and so on. Sounds like darkness? it is! There is no place for this in the church, none! Remember, we fight not flesh and blood but it's the Spirit behind it. Pray for that person who is walking in darkness. "But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them" (1 John 2:11). The enemy knows others triggers, softs spots, and will use ANY available vessel to do his work! Many times people don't even realize they are being used to tear down and stir up their own people! So what do you do, when you notice you are being stirred up, and targeted? RUN! not literally! But yes, remember it's the enemy to entice you to jump in, and stir up your emotions. Since we are the "body" Satan will scheme to use the "parts" against each other, because we are connected. When you feel like you are in the company of darkness (the spirit at work in THAT moment, Eph 6:12), Ask yourself, what spirit is working through this person? Is it bringing life, edification, hope, are you being encouraged? Or are you being stirred up in negative emotions such as bitterness, anger, jealousy? You have the power right there to refuse to listen to it. Do not engage with it, you won't win and actually Jesus calls it sin and you are partnering with darkness. This is the enemy dividing people and churches. Do not be ignorant of his schemes. (see 2 Cor 2:11)
By Susan Bergstol August 25, 2020
👉🏻Disappointments are inevitable; 👉🏻Discouragement is a choice. We never have to be the victim of our feelings, we have the choice to have faith in the Lord, or faith in feelings. We can choose to trust our future in His hands, despite what is going on in the natural, or not to. "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer's feet, and he will make me walk on my high hills" (Habakkuk 3:18-19) 2,000 + years later we are in some very dark trying times!! Yet, we can have the same attitude of faith as Habakkuk. The stronger our relationship is with the Lord, the easier it will be to trust Him. Through the uncertainty of life, we are exactly where God wants us, dependent on Him, seeking Him for strength and peace. And being used as intercessors for our (wicked) nation. Fight discouragement with prayer and faith, in God. Prayer Suggestion: Forgive me Lord for any fear or doubt, forgive me for focusing on what's wrong instead of what's right, the power of my prayers! I pray that you would increase my faith, that I can rejoice in you even in the darkest times! In Jesus' Name, Amen.
By Susan Bergstol August 19, 2020
🚨 ATTENTION ALERT🚨 We are either growing closer to the Lord, or further away. There is always movement in the Spirit realm. There are many things in this world vying for your attention! "Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life" (Prov 4:23). Our first priority is to guard our heart ❤️and mind in Christ Jesus. We have a choice who and what we give our time and attention to. Even though we have been in "quarantine" and things have been "shut down" we are bombarded with world news, social media news feeds. Hours can pass reading news, and social media, checking emails, and so on. Hours of valuable time can pass.🤷‍♂️ 🤦‍♀️ The great "I AM" is calling for our undivided heart. He is worthy! Growing in faith and just being still in His presence is what we need! At the end of the day, nothing on social media feeds, or the news with draw you closer to what the heart is looking for. "Deep calls onto Deep" 🔥Your Spirit is designed to be connected to His. To be filled, with peace, hope and contentment. It's only found In Him. Don't feel guilty about not responding to every single thing vying for your attention. People will either understand or not, it's ok, remember, we are either growing closer or further from Him. In these last days, the last thing we want to be going further away from our King Jesus. The Lord must be Lord of all 💯!Computers, cell phones, all the technology of today, oh so bitter sweet!! Prayer Suggestion: Thank you Lord for always drawing me near to you! May I be sensitive to you drawing me into the secret place with you. May you give me the strength to say no to all the distractions so I can give you my undivided attention. Fill me today with more OIL, Holy Spirit! In Jesus' name above all names I pray! Amen!
By Susan Bergstol August 8, 2020
New Beginnings We all have the opportunity for a new beginning in life. Everyone wants a new beginning in some area in their life, at some point. But the truth is that without redemption through Jesus there is no life. You may have physical life but void of any connection to God and purpose. That’s why God said in the Gospel of John, unless you are born-again, you can’t “see” the Kingdom of God. Without the Holy Spirit, you are blinded, still veiled, by the Spirit of the world. Since the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden what was intended for the beginning of a perfect life, for all mankind, ended up being the death to the human race. Both in the Spiritual and in the physical. Then God said “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… (see Gen 1: 26). God created Adam and Eve in His Image, God walked with them, talked with them, and gave them all dominion over the earth. They even were given the authority to name all of the livestock, birds and animals, talk about power! “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Gen 2:16). There wasn’t any interference in hearing from God, they knew what was right and what was wrong. Adam and Eve didn’t have any distractions that we have in the world today, they were in the perfect, right standing with God. They couldn’t blame their poor choice on their parents or learned behaviors from the world. They weren’t concerned about finances, relationships, or their health. God gave them the free choice to obey Him or not. Satan used God’s creation, disguised as a serpent, to get her to question God. Satan came with just a whisper of doubt was able to get Eve to communicate with him! Eve was completely content in the Garden, she wasn’t thinking about what she didn’t have, not until Satan tempted her to look, and whispered lies to her. He lied and told her she didn’t have enough, that God was holding out on her, that her life would be better if she had more. The moment she gave attention and listened, he was able to get her to question, doubt and then sin. Eve was talked into doubting God! Satan is still at work behind the scenes in the world today. Trying to get believers to doubt and go against God and His ways. We can learn a lot from Eve, she had everything, in perfect paradise, and Satan was still able to get her to believe she needed more. Our world today wants to sell you that “something more” and it leads to death. It’s deadly fruit, when you eat of it, it produces the same. It produces death in the natural, and in the spiritual. One thing as believers we have that Adam and Eve didn’t have was the warning of how deceptive Satan really was and still is! God didn’t warn them that a serpent was coming to the garden to tempt them to sin. Since Adam and Eve, we now know how deceptive the devil really is. We have their testimony, and the Bible that’s filled with wisdom to not make the same mistakes. We learn from the Israelites and all the people that walked with God before us, so we don’t make the same mistakes. Christians need to encourage each other stay close to God and far from sin and temptation. Adam was no help for Eve, he went along with her and sinned against God. We need to pray against being deceived, to be strong in the Lord, and not let Satan use us to pull each other down. The bible says that Satan prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking who he can devour. (see 1 Peter 5:8). The enemy wants to destroy marriages, relationships, and families. Divorce can cause lasting effects on self and others, and it’s a domino effect onto the children. God hates it, and Satan loves it. He will whisper to you or use others to cause you to doubt your mate, friendships, of their intentions, their love, their faithfulness. Just as he did with Eve, getting her to doubt God. When you surrender to the Lord, completely, He loves to work miracles. He knows He will get the Glory, because when there seems to be no way, He makes a way. He transforms lives to better than when than before. I’ve seen it over and over, and over again. The enemy has blinded the eyes of mankind, and many are still doing what Eve did. Doubting if God is real, questioning Him about sin, and thinking you’re missing out of a better life in sin without God. Pre-believers (unbelievers) don’t have the Holy Spirit therefore they won’t discern the lies. When you are a Child of God, and filled with the Holy Spirit, you have His divine power to take every thought captive, and make it obedient to Christ, by replacing it with the Truth of God’s Word. God provided a way through Jesus to redeem back what Satan stole! But it’s a choice! There is no middle ground, either we accept the offer of eternal life with God, through repentance and turning from Satan and sin. Or we don’t. Through Jesus Christ we are restored fully back to God our creator as if we have never sinned! Being restored fully means that we have the ability to have perfect intimacy with God, we have authority in the name of Jesus over creation, and we have a dual nature, citizens of heaven, and reining on the earth! The ability to see and hear in the Spirit realm is the bread for all Spirit filled believers. We were created to live in the physical world and in the spiritual world at the same time. We are Spiritual beings in an earthly body and a heavenly mindset. That’s the good news! The bad news is Satan is the god of the world for all of the unredeemed human race.
By Susan Bergstol July 21, 2020
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